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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I-01 psp theme CTF for 4.01 m33 (or -2)

I-01 psp themen CTF for 4.01 m33 (or -2)

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I-01 ctf psp theme for 4.01 m33 (or -2) was made by superboysahil at I-01 psp theme compatible for 4.01 m33 firmware.

superboysahil said :

This is my latest and the last theme for quite a while (idk till when).
I have learned so much from creating these themes which I don't think I would ever had without it. I kept my self trying and trying........ I always used to think of new ideas of how the interface would be.....Then thought of how the icons would........Then I tried to make these icon on Photoshop....and then finally to PSP which is a really hardest part....But in this process I learn't alot...ALOT!....I didn't make themes for people....but for me.........................................
This is what message I want to give to you..... Just TRY TRY TRY!.......
With this I only have this theme to give you.
As said in the video....I'm leaving the XMB creating scene....

DownloadI 01 CTF [4.01 m33]

Download wallpaper

Installation and Credits are in the Read me file.