Note: -Flash0 you have extra OSK, savedata utility and recovery.prx
Note: since i added multiple memorystick icons you have to select a background twice in month
color menu if it is white,. good thing is i have made a higher resolution 01-12.bmp
CTF install copy contents to memorystick and enable CXMB3.2 plugin in recovery
Flash0 install Flash vsh and font folder to flash0 for FAT psp you need to flash the FAT
install files first
NOTE:!! i strongly advice to use the CXMB3.2 CTF version! :)
This theme is easy to customize into any theme,.
1.>>>GAMEBOOT 8 seconds!
2.Opening_plugin.rco >>>opening sound and picture 288x168 resolution 254 colors white alpha
3.>>>01-12.bmp >>01-12.bmp contains jpg's 300x170 blocksize 32766
4.System_plugin/sysconfig_plugin.rco's >>>infobars 144x272 254 colors indexed in photshop
5.OSK_lugin.rco >>>OSK background picture 480x272 254 colors with white alpha
6.Sysconfg_plugin.rco >>>theme preview picture 144x80 100 colors
7.Syconfg_plugin_about.rco >>>slideshow picture's 480x272 254 colors with white alpha
!!All picture's have to be replaced with rcoedit 114!!
Uncompressed OSK_plugin.rco in extra folder and Resurssiklunssi to !!compress again!!
- 01-12.bmp with 12 different FFVIIac !!!
- 6 main transparent icons,. 1 submenu side load icon and 3 "submenu in folder" side load icons.
- Custom bootsound and logo
- Custom click sounds from amicore theme,. << only thing i did not make,. ;p
- Custom musicplayer menu viz menu custom NEW viz's etc.
- Custom OSK really cool!!
- Custom Control panels, photo/camera/music/video/umd video with glow icons and shadow bar
- Custom photo/music/video menu's
- gameboot high resolution!!
- Custom batttery/volumebar and all icon's that goes with that, mute/avls/pops,jazz etc
- CF update/endlessparadigm.com/reboot
- UMD update removed and GO!Messenger enabled
- All help screens custom
- Infobars custom
- Alot of text edit's and other small stuff !100% multilanguage!!
- Custom slideshow 7 FFVIIac picture's
- Smooth scrolling
- busy icon and playing icon,.1 for music 1 for video
- Custom USB screen
- All icons custom,.................
- 4.05 visualizers added
- Custom M33 VSH MENU thx to Gadget!!:)
- Multiple memorystick icons
- fixxed All language problems ALL language's work now!
- fixxed 1 infobar theme menu for all language's!! except for small bug in portugueese menu,. :(
- removed clock shadow
- centered memorystick text shadow
- found new text Y position offsets for "submenu text" and "sub-sub settings menu text"!! :)
- minor bug,. sometimes selecting monthly color picture screen
turns white,. just select twice and it will work.
- Fixxed the remote play
Download FFVIIac psp theme (CTF)
Download FFVIIac psp theme (Flash0)