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Sunday, August 3, 2008

Psp theme Revolution 4.01M33 (CTF) Fully Customized

Revolution 4.01M33 by MasterDKR.

free psp themes

Features/Modifications :

-Custom main icons
-Custom main icon shadows(implementing XanderChaos' shadow effect)
-Custom opening plugin
-Custom Osk with click sounds
-Custom Gameboot(Made it in flash, took me a while to learn but it paid off and came out awesome!!!! xD )
-Custom Clicksounds
-Custom photo,music and video browers.
-Custom USB Transfers.
-Custom Network Info icons.
-Custom Visualizers(implementing the 4.05 viz's)
-Custom loading of theme previews(made to load very fast)
-Custom Battery
-Custom Volume Bar
-Custom Placements of other stuff.
-New Portal by Iorkara (PSPFreindly)-Under Network{Wallpapers, CTF's, Browser, etc)
-Custom Loading
-About 15 prx customized and over 30 customized rco's.
-Custom sysconf_about.rco( All images presenting the theme and its features)
-Smooth scrolling
-Small Text Edits
-UMD Update removed
-Location Free player Now Reboot
-Custom Font
-Custom Recovery Menu
-For anything else that I have missed check the theme out for your self.

I recommend using CTF,due to flash0 having alot of resource and may result in a brick.

Download Revolution 4.01M33 psp theme