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Sunday, October 12, 2008

Shadow Dock PSP themes for4.01M33

Shadow Dock PSP theme

free psp themes

Shadow Dock PSP themes for4.01M33 created by Mudbone and first released at

Mudbone said :
Here is my latest offering titled Shadow Dock!

Includes 4.05 visualizers as well as the CTF Downloader!

Thanks to my main man NeoCorpse for helping out as well as the
sweet 3D gameboot that he made from scratch!

I also always forget to thank some people who make it possible for
us to make these stupid things, so here it goes!
ZiNgA BuRgA for RCO Editor
XanderChaos for the CTF Downloader
BlessedHands for Split Merge
High Boy for Wav to Vag
Vegetano, Schmilk, and anyone else who contributes to finding
the offsets in these damn prx's!
Anyone who i may have forgotten i'll get ya next time! :p

Download includes Flash0 and 2 versions of the ctf
(v1=black battery v2=green battery)

Download Shadow Dock PSP themes for4.01M33 :

Download link